About Val

Val Rivera embarked on blogging on MySpace in 2004. After a long hiatus (and tumultuous break up) she committed herself to the blog again in 2011. Through her online and personal dating experiences, she found herself wanting to share her stories. Val has always had a passion for writing. The topic of dating and relationships flowed naturally. 

Today, ValsBytes.com is a place to help those who need guidance in loving themselves so they can find true love. She received her certification as a Matchmaker in July 2017.  Val has been a guest host on local online radio shows and as a guest speaker for Central Florida organizations. She also co-hosts a podcast called Love Bits & Bytes and on the Locura Radio Show as a dating coach

Val is an Army brat born in Germany to Puerto Rican parents and has resided in the southern U.S. for the majority of her life. She works full-time as a content editor. You can find her professional website here. She currently lives in Orlando, Florida with her husband (who she met online) and American Bulldog, Rosco. Valerie holds a masters of business administration from Florida International University.  

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